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Proficiency in Fast and Rescue Boat (PFRB) Training

Pertamina Maritime Training Center conducted special training for Fast Rescue Boat/Craft operation. This training covers the requirements of the 1995 STCW Convention Chapter VI, Section A-VI/2-2. On meeting the minimum standard of competence in fast rescue boats, a trainee will be competent to operate life-saving appliances and take charge of fast rescue boat as a Coxswain or a boatmen during or after launch. They will also be able to operate a rescue boat engine and manage survivors and survival craft after abandoning ship. Trainees will know the correct use of all locating devices, including communication and signaling apparatus and pyrotechnics, how to apply first aid to survivors and the actions to take to preserve the lives of those in their charge. for detail, please visit website
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Vessel Traffic Service (VTS)

Pada awal November 2012, saya mendapatkan kesempatan untuk belajar di Australian Maritime College (AMC) yang berada di dalam kampus University of Tasmania, Launceston, Tasmania Asutralia. Selama di AMC, saya belajar tentang Vessel Traffic Sevice (VTS). Vessel Traffic Service adalah shore based system yang berfungsi membantu memberikan informasi dan pesan untuk kapal-kapal, seperti posisi kapal-kapal lain yang melewati lalu lintas atau pesan peringatan mengenai bahaya navigasi dan meteorologi, serta untuk mengatur lalu lintas kapal yang luas dalam suatu pelabuhan atau perairan tertentu. Umumnya, kapal yang memasuki area VTS harus melaporkan kepada pihak berwenang di area tersebut, biasanya melalui radio, dan dapat dilacak oleh VTS menggunakan radar, Sistem Identifikasi Otomatis (AIS) atau teknologi lainnya. Kapal yang melintas di area VTS diminta untuk berjaga-jaga pada frekuensi radio khusus untuk peringatan navigasi atau peringatan lainnya, dan mereka dapat dihubungi secara lang

London 2012

Pertamina Maritime Training Center

Now, I am working at Pertamina Maritime Training Center as Lead Instructor I. Maritime Training Center is one of the business units of PT PERTAMINA (Persero), Directorate of Human Resources, Pertamina Learning Center, was established in 1984. It is located at Jl. Pemuda, Rawamangun No.44, East Jakarta. At the beginning the function and task of Maritime Training Center was develop and upgrade Pertamina’s seafarers know how and skill in Oil Tanker Operation regarding the enforcement of International Maritime Organization (IMO) Convention the STCW’78 (the Standard of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping for Seafarers 1978). Due to enforcement of the STCW ‘95 which requires to Maritime Education School of all member states of the IMO, the government, represented by BPSDM Ministry of Transportation &Directorate General of Sea Communication appointed Pertamina Maritime Training Center to do the job, due the result of audit & recommendation to have completed equipment and facili

Hidup ini adalah sebuah pilihan...

Disaat usia manusia semakin bertambah, seharusnya semakin banyak pengalaman dalam perjalanan hidupnya untuk melihat dan merasakan mana yang benar mana yang salah, mana yang halal mana yang haram, mana yang layak dimakan mana yang tidak layak dimakan... pada fase ini kita dihadapkan pada pilihan untuk menyadarinya atau tidak menyadari karena kita sudah dibutakan oleh kebutuhan hidup kita.. seumpama kita sedang berjalan, kita sedang berada dalam persimpangan jalan.. yang mana kita harus memilih yang terbaik untuk kita dan keluarga kita.. Saya sangat percaya bahwa Tuhan akan bekerja berdasarkan apa yang ada dipikiran hamba-Nya... dan bahwa Tuhan tidak akan merubah nasib suatu kaum apabila mereka tidak berusaha merubah sendiri nasibnya.. Apapun yang kita kerjakan, hendaknya untuk tujuan dijalan yang diridhoi Tuhan.. yaitu untuk akhirat dan bukan untuk keduniawian semata.. apabila kita sudah bisa menyadari itu dan dengan tulus melaksanakannya, niscaya dunia pun akan mengikuti sebagai "

Increasing Model of Lecturer’s Loyalty

Abstract The objective of this study is to examine and analyze the effects of competence, leadership transformation, promotion, motivation to satisfaction. In addition, this study also aims to test and analyze the influence of competence, leadership transformation, promotion, motivation, loyalty through customer satisfaction. To test these variables, researchers use lecturer of Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnics as a research object. where they are mostly composed of lecturer who have a maritime educational background and work experience as a officer on board ship that joined to the national and international companies in domestic trade area and ocean going trade area with relatively higher income compared to income as an employee or ordinary civil servants. This research was conducted by survey method by distributing questionnaires to 62 people of lecturer who worked and teaches at Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnics. Sampling study using a non probability sampling with census sa

GMDSS Simulator Training

Key words: Distress, Global Communication, MES, LES, Alert, Broadcast, SOLAS 1974. Abstract The Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) was adopted by amendments in 1988 by the Conference of Contracting Governments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974. This was the culmination of more than a decade of work by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in conjunction with the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), International Hydrographic Organization (IHO), World Meteorological Organization (WMO), International Maritime Satellite Organization (INMARSAT), and others. The GMDSS represents a significant improvement in marine safety over the previous system of short range and high seas radio transmissions. Its many parts include satellite as well as advanced terrestrial communications systems. Operational service of the GMDSS began on 1 February 1992, with full implementation scheduled by 1 February 1999. The Japan International