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Marine Technical College (MTC)

In April 1945, when three nautical colleges in Tokyo, Kobe and Shimizu were joined together and relocated at Shimizu in Shizuoka Prefecture, two marine institutes at Osaka were combined under the name of Marine Technical School, This school, whose name was changed to Marine Technical "College" succeeded to the facilities of Kobe Nautical College and aimed to give seafarers synthetic vocational education.
In May 1952, Kobe University of Mercantile Marine was founded and all the facilities at Fukae were placed under the control of the university. Thus the college and the university temporarily shared them. In July 1955, the college was removed from Fukae to Ashiya because of the revision of Eatablishing Law of the Ministry of Transport.
In April 1961, Marine Technical School was renamed Marine Technical College. In April l98l, another two campuses of the college were founded at Kurashiki in Okayama and Nanao in lshikawa. In March 1988, the third training ship "Kaigi Maru" was built and completed. And in March 1992, Nanao Campus was closed, and the educational system was reformed.
In March 1997, Main Building, Gymnasium and Auditorium were rebuilt into New Main Building against the damage from HanshinAwaji Eearthquake, On January 1, 2001, the ministry of transport was restructured into the ministry of land, infrastructure and transport. In April 2001, Marine Technical College was moved to an independent administrative agency from a national college. Mr. Takashi Nakamura was assumed the first president. In April, 2003, Liberal Education Department was dissolved according to the Organization Regulation of Marine Technical College, independent administrative institution.
Mr. Susumu Yoshida was assumed the second president.

The educational objectives of Marine Technical College are to offer seafarers vocational education and training, to brush up technical knowledge and skills and to carry out practical researches for technological development of mercantile marine. MTC is the only comprehensive educational institution for seafarers in Japan.
Marine Technical College, which is called “Kaigi Daigakko” in Japanese, is the only governmental institute of vocational education and training for seafarers.In April 1945, at the end of World War the Second, Marine Technical College was established to offer comprehensive vocational education and training to seafarers.Until March 2001, our College was under control of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. From April 2001, the College was transferred to Independent Administrative Institution due to the reform of administration.The educational objectives of our College are to offer seafarers technical knowledge and skills and to carry out practical researches for technological development of mercantile marine.In order to carry out the objectives, our College has 4 courses:
1. Marine Technology Course
2. Maritime Officer Course
3. Training Course
4. Correspondence Course

Senior Navigation Training
Maritime Education advanced of Information Technology dilaksanakan di MTC Ashiya, Hyogo Prefectural, Japan.


Anonymous said…
proud of you anak bangsa Arifin be blessed in all your way...senang2 yah di jepun...

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